Yo Momma
Yo mamma's so poor, she can't afford to go on welfare. Yo mamma's so poor, she got thrown out of a homeless shelter. Yo mamma's so poor, she tried to use food stamps on a gumball machine. Yo mamma's so poor, a burgler broke into her house and left her some money.
Yo Mamma so stupid, she wanted to go on a roller coaster and looked at the height, and she was too tall.
Your Mama's so fat when she went to a hotel she asked for a water bed and they just covered up the pool with a blanket and said no divers.
Yo mama is so fat, she can sell shade.
Yo mama is so nasty she's got to pour sand down her pants to keep the crabs happy!
Your momma is so ugly, the government moved Halloween to her birthday.
Your momma's teeth are so yellow, that when she opened her mouth, a black guy said "nice grillz!" Your momma's so fat 'n hairy that when she went to the mueseum someone yelled "the mammoth's alive!" Your momma's so hairy that when she was on the set of king kong, the director said "I thought I only ordered 1 gorrila!" Your momma's so old and gassy that when she farted the dinasours became extinct! Your momma's so stupid that they invented the books for dummys just for her! Your momma's so skinny that god used her to clean his teeth! Your momma's so ugly that when she stepped out of her house, people ran away saying "I didn't know they were shooting a horror movie here!" Your momma's so ugly that when walked down her street someone said "lady, halloween was yesterday!"
Yo mama's so fat, her nickname is "Damn." Yo mama's so big, when she stands up the sun goes out. Yo mama's so dirty, the US Government uses her bath water for chemical weapons Yo mama' so hairy, when she goes to the circus the bearded lady protests against non-union workers. Yo mama's so hairy, she shaves with a weedwacker.
Your momma so fat that when she laid on the beach, four guys from greenpeace tried to throw her back in.
Your mother has something wrong with her brain. After medical examination, the doctor tells her: "Your brain has two parts: one is left, and the other is right. Your left side has nothing right, Your right side has nothing left."
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