Yo Mama
Yo mama so fat she's got as many chins as a chinese phonebook.
Yo mama so fat she sits down at the resturant, opens the menu, and says "okay"!
Yo mama so fat she tripped over 4th Ave. and landed on 12th Ave
Yo Mama so fat that she filled up the tub and then turned the water on!
Yo mama so fat that she has to drink diet water
Yo Mama so fat that she has to use a VCR as a pager.
Yo Mama so fat that they said it was chili outside then she brought out a bowl!
Yo mama so fat that when god said let there be light, he asked her to move over
Yo mama so fat that when she walks in high heels she strikes oil.
Yo mama so fat the last time she saw 90210 it was on the bathroom scale
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