Yo Mama
Yo mama is so dumb that she shoved the phone up her ass, and thought that she was making a booty call.
Yo mama is so dumb yeah she asked the operator for the number for 911.
Yo mama is so fat every time she turns around it's her birthday.
Yo mama is so fat, she entered an ugly contest and they said "no perfesonals aloud!"
Yo Mama is so fat she had to iron her pants on the driveway.
Yo mama is so fat that she smokes turkey.
Yo mama is so fat that when she went dooky the whole world flooded & everyone had to live on a piece of poop!!
Yo mama is so fat, when she walks down the street in a yellow rain suit everyone starts yelling "Taxi"
Yo mama is so stuiped, she was flicking pennies in a wishing well and someone asked "What are you doning?" So she said "I'm paying the water bill!"
Yo Mama is so Stupid she tried wakin up a Sleepin Bag.
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