On her way to work a lady passed a new pet shop. She had a few minutes to spare, so she walked into the store and took a look around. Near the store window she saw a cage with a beautiful red parrot in it. She admired him for a few minutes, when the parrot said to her: "Hey lady, you are really ugly!“A little upset at the rude parrot, the woman left the store and went to work.Later that day on her way home from the office she saw the same parrot in the window. Again the parrot squawked: "Hey lady, you arereally ugly!"Mad at the bird, she rushed home.When she passed the pet store on her way to work the next morning, the parrot said it again: "Hey lady, you are really ugly!"Well, the lady was furious! Cursing in a rather unlady-like manner,she stormed into the store and demanded to see the owner. She told him that she was going to sue him and kill the bird if he didn't stop harassing her. The man behind the counter apologized and promised the bird would not say it again.When the lady walked past the store after work the parrot squawked: "Hey lady..."She paused and said, "Yes?"And the bird said: "You know."

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