Bob was in love with Nancy, the beautiful young woman across the street. Unfortunately Bob had a speech impediment and she wouldn't marry him because he talked funny. One day he read about a school on the other side of the country, that might be able to help him overcome his handicap. So he enrolled for four months.When Bob returned, his buddy Jimmy picked him up at the airport and asked: "So? Was it worth it? Were they able to help you?"Bob replied: "Well - sort - of. - But - now - I - must - talk - very - slow - and - be - very - careful - to - articulate - words - properly."Jimmy smiled and said: "Don't worry! Nancy loves you. I'm sure she'll marry you."Later that night Jimmy dropped Bob off at Nancy's house. But about two hours later Bob rang Jimmy's doorbell. Jimmy asked: "What are you doing here? Does that mean she's not going to marry you after all?"Bob answered: "No, - I - don't - think - so.""Why? What happened?" Jimmy asked.Bob explained: "Well, - everything - went - well - at - first. - We - were - sitting - on - the - couch - talking - and - I - saw - the - cat - playing - with - the - balls - on - the - Christmas - tree, - so - I - tried - to - be - witty - and - said:"Look, - honey, - after - we're - married, - you - can - do - that - to - me!" - But - by - the - time - I - said - it - and - she - looked, - the - cat - was - licking - his - butt!“

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