Three paddy's (irish men) are in London looking for work on a building site. The first Paddy (the smart one) goes in to see the foreman. The conversation starts. Foreman - "so then Paddy, how many bricks can you lay in a day". Paddy - "that would be 200 brick in a day sir". Foreman - "good man Paddy, thats the sort of level were looking for, but, before I give you the job, I must warn you, I like honesty in a man, so take a good look at me and tell me do you notice anything a bit strange about me?" Now, Paddy had a look at the foreman and it was obvious, very obvious there was something strange. His right ear was quite high on one side of his head and the left ear was quite low on the other side of his head. Paddy - "surely Boss, you've one ear up there and the others down there". Foreman - " We'll at least your honest about it Paddy. You'll not be making fun of me behind my back like all those other feckers, so you've got the job". Next Paddy walks in, same questions. "How many bricks can you lay in a day paddy?" "200 bricks sir" Foreman - "good man Paddy, thats the sort of level were looking for, but, before I give you the job, I must warn you, I like honesty in a man, so take a good look at me and tell me do you notice anything a bit strange about me?" Paddy - "surely Boss, you've one ear up there and the others down there". Foreman - " We'll at least your honest about it Paddy. You'll not be making fun of me behind my back like all those other feckers, so you've got the job". The third Paddy walks in to see the foreman. Foreman - "So then Paddy, how many bricks can you lay in a day." Paddy - "400 bricks a day sir" Foreman - "By Jesus, 400 a day. I never heard of any man lay 400 bricks a day." Paddy - "Oh, ask any man in Ireland, 400 a day I tell you sir." Foreman - "thats unbeleiveable Paddy. Now obviously I want to give you the job, but, I have to tell you, I admire honesty in a man so take a look at me and tell me do you notice anything strange about me." Paddy has a long hard look. Paddy - " No sir, nothing strange" Foreman - "Come on paddy, honestly, what do you notice". Paddy - "No sir nothing strange." Foreman - "Now Paddy, I can't give you the job if you don't be honest, go on have a good look." Paddy stares at him insanely, and then notices something. Paddy - "A sir, I notice". Foremann - "Yes Paddy" Paddy - " You'd be wearing contact lenses". Unexpectedly the foreman enquires. Foreman - "My word Paddy, that's amazing, how observant of you. How did you ever notice that." Paddy - "We'll Sir, were the feck would you find a pair of glasses to fit a head like that"
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