If you have half a brain, you can't help but notice the throng of publications, analysts and net users declaring Windows95 the Saviour of the Computer Industry. If you have less than half a brain, you probably believe it. Could it be? To find out, let's compare Windows95 against a widely-accepted Saviour, Jesus of Nazareth: Jesus Windows95 Jesus: Said, "Surely I come quickly." Windows 95: Has been promised "any day now." Jesus:Is taking a lot longer to actually arrive Windows 95: Is taking a lot longer to actually arrive. Jesus: Can walk on water. Windows 95: Can crawl on a 486. Jesus: Sits in judgement at the pearly gates. Windows 95: Will be used to judge Bill Gates. Jesus: Bible says, "In Him, all things Windows 95 doesn't even run all are possible." Windows 95: doesn't even run all possible Windows apps. Jesus: Started life as a carpenter. Windows 95:Turns perfectly good computers into furniture. Jesus: Born in a manger. Windows 95:Resembles something found in a barn. Jesus:Remembered for protecting the weak. Windows 95:Has weak memory protection. Jesus:Was raised from the dead. Windows 95:Was created from Windows 3.1. Jesus performed great works for the multitudes. Windows 95 multitasking performance barely works. Jesus has no sin. Windows 95 has no shame. if this offends any Christians out there, I don't really care. But you can email me if you think it will make you feel better.
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