Bill Clinton is in an elementary class and is trying to teach the students what a tragedy is. He asks if anyone knows. One kid stands up and says, "I know. If I was in the street and got hit by a car, that would be a tragedy." Clinton says, "No son, that would be an accident." Another kid stands up and says," I know. If we all were on a field trip and the bus went flying over a cliff, that would be a tragedy." Again, Clinton says, "No son, that would be a great loss." The children are silent and then one kid stands and says, "If you and Mrs. Clinton were on Air Force One and it just all of a sudden blew up and you both died, that would be a tragedy." Clinton thinks and then asks, "Now why would you think that is a tragedy?" The kid replies, "Well, because it definately wouldn't be an ACCIDENT and it sure as hell wouldn't be a GREAT LOSS!"

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